Supporting the Watamu Community

Support for members of the Watamu community in need.
Through the work with our children we frequently come in contact with members of the Watamu community that are acutely in need. Particularly when the care of the children we take care of at ElMaMa is at stake, we step in to help the parents and caretakers provide for their children.
Danson and Eli making a visit in the Watamu community.
As village elders, Danson and Prisca are closely knit into Watamu’s community and are often consulted during critical times. They help us identify those in immediate need, such as a woman who recently lost her husband and now has to provide alone for several grandchildren.
Prisca and Eli with a member of the Watamu community after deciding on measures for emergency relief.
In this case, help comes in the form of 50 chicklets and two goats to give the woman a source of income and the ability to provide for herself and the children.