Dalu visit 2024

Our visit to the elementary school in Dalu, Tana River County in 2024.
We were grateful and excited to be able to visit the primary school in Dalu on Feb 10 2024.
Children at the Dalu elementary school.
Danson is a former teacher at the school in Dalu and visits frequently to support his successors and the families and children he has been working with. For foreigners like Adetta and Thomas, the trip required preparation given the extreme weather and security situation in Tana River county.
Food for a shared meal from the Market in Malindi.
While the area has recovered since the draught in 2021, food is still scarce for many and we brought fruits from the markets at the coast complemented with local products to provide a shared meal for the entire school.
Exercise books for all children.
Many children cannot afford the exercise books necessary to write in class and do their assignments. We brought one set for each child in Dalu and covered the cost of school uniforms for those unable to afford them otherwise.
Danson and Adetta discussing with members of the local community.
On our visits, we seek to connect with the local communities, involving village elders, teachers, and parents to identify the most pressing problems and find sustainable solutions. We aim to provide seed funding for projects that can be taken over and continued from within the communities to empower them rather than just patching from one crisis to the next.